We Are Praying...

  • for Chelsea Dutrow. She is in the final stages of her battle with cancer and may meet Jesus very soon. Jesus, we continue to ask for a miracle.
  • for the staff and administrators of Chambersburg Hospital, as they care for a high number of patients.
  • for those who are sick due to COVID-19. Specifically, we ask for supernatural immunity, and reduced symptoms and complete restoration in those who are ill. 
  • for Jason Runk's uncle Wilbur, who is in the hospital with COVID-19. He has been placed on a respirator but he is stable. He has shown some improvement but still has a long way to go.
  • in gratitude that Tammie Fisher's family members in Arizona are improving!
  • for Anne DeGrange's great-granddaughter Cheyenne, a sweet 4-year-old little girl who was born with half a heart. Her condition is steadily declining, and the family is crying out to Jesus for a miracle. We are praying for the complete and fully-functional heart to beat in the chest of this beloved one, just as Jesus imagined her.
  • for comfort and peace as we mourn with the Embry family. Dru Embry, husband of Kim and father to Jenny-Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Thomas, passed away last week from COVID-19. If you are able to contribute to the family's financial needs, click here.
  • for Emily Sayers (Maggie Sayers' sister) who is fighting invasive breast cancer. Her next treatment is on September 22, some of which causes side effects that are difficult. We pray specifically for her fertility to be preserved through treatment and for the side effects of her treatments to pass quickly.
  • for Ben Musser, who will having surgery in Hershey this week to replace his aortic valve.
  • for Katie Staggs' mouth to heal completely (after dental surgery several weeks ago).
  • in intercession for the nation and people of Afghanistan.
  • for those still without power in Louisiana and Mississippi.
  • for Frank Disbrow, who is dealing with circulatory dementia.
  • for Mike & Michelle Myers as they walk through challenges with health and finances. Those who would like to contribute financially can give here.

    We want to include your prayer items and breakthrough testimonies on this list!
    Send us your prayer updates here.
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