Family Prayer Updates

Chelsea Dutrow: As you may be aware, we were privileged to pray for Chelsea during our Sunday gathering 2 weeks ago. Since that day, Chelsea has been admitted to the hospital twice. She is struggling; her body makes it difficult to eat or drink. "Jesus, You are the King, Healer and Lover of Chelsea. We pray that she could be healed! Encourage her spirit and minister to her body. Bring deep peace and nourishment to her whole being!"

David Berkey: In another answer to prayer, Sherlin's parents (who live in India) were miraculously given a July date to interview for their visa! "Jesus, we continue to pray for the Berkey family to experience Your nearness and faithfulness in every aspect of their journey. We pray for David's tumor to disappear, for his blood counts to remain normal, and for him to stay healthy! We bless him with a long and healthy life! Bless Dan and Sherlin with beautiful depths of comfort, joy and strength."

James Byers: James is off the ventilator and has been moved to a rehab facility! He now faces a long journey of rehabilitation. "Jesus, we pray that every detail of his mind would be clear and full functional. Restore him fully!"

Lisa Rodriguez: Lisa continues to recover from knee-replacement surgery. Jocelyn is coordinating some meals for their family, to help shoulder the load of her recovery. They live in Waynesboro. If you would like to contribute a meal, contact Jocelyn here. "Jesus, we rise in Your Spirit to encourage Lisa as her body recovers. Restore Lisa's mobility and cause her joint to operate at full capacity without any pain!"

Interstate 81: It is our heart that the roads that flow through our city be highways of life and safe passage. "Jesus, we declare that I-81, and the other main arteries that flow through our city and into the world, would flow clearly and efficiently. May there be no death on I-81!"

Peggy Reed: Jeff and Tammie Fisher's friend Peggy has visited with us recently, and is facing stage 4 breast and lymph node cancer. She had her first chemo treatment last week. She will soon have a port placed, to avoid further stress on her veins. "Jesus, we take Peggy into our hearts as family. We stand all around her and pray for her to be comforted and full of faith. May Your presence strengthen her hope. We pray for her cancers to be gone, and for any further treatments to be effective and without destructive side effects. Bless her with an extra special peace this week."
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