Ukraine Update

Many of our connections in Ukraine are currently in safe places.

We are continuing to mobilize money and resources to care for our dear ones overseas. To date, we have collected over $25,000, but that balance continues to regularly increase, for which we are so grateful.

There are many "hot spots" in Ukraine where the humanitarian need is steeply increasing. Sergey and Vika Lysak have pioneered a movement of the church there to care for the many hungry and displaced people who have made the metro tunnels their safe haven. People are sleeping on mats, train benches, and floors. Sergey and his amazing team are spending roughly $1,000 USD per day. They bring blankets, mattresses, food, and personal care items all across their area, passing through many security checkpoints to visit multiple train stations. People are enduring high levels of stress.

Steve Burris worked with contacts overseas to finalize the purchase of much needed emergency food supplies. They are being gathered into Poland, and will be shipped from there into Ukraine.  This is only the first of many. 10,000 cans of meat, 2,000 cans of soup, and 2,500 frozen pastries, plus other humanitarian items. That's food for thousands of people for days. We are so thankful to know these supplies will be in Sergey's hands very soon. In an incredible expression of the Father's heart, the church there is thanking the Lord for this incredible opportunity to serve. We are beyond ready to continue to partner with their work there. It's incredible.

We continue to pray for breakthroughs in the battles for the cities of Mariupol, Kharkov, and many other areas where brutal assault continues to destroy their cities and homes.

9 Ukrainians (women and children) have migrated to Germany to stay with Gabby and Lilli Schintu. They are doing fairly well, considering the circumstances. Lilli is running point with local town authorities, concerning the appointments to get registered for a temporary residence permit, which the EU has granted Ukrainians on a special basis. After that they will receive a voucher for free healthcare assistance, which is renewable every 3 months. They will also get some form financial assistance, the amount is yet to be determined.

The following update came to us from Sergey on Friday (March 11).  8min.
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